Saturday, April 13, 2013

Times Square Church: The Cross and The Switchbalde

Despite the cold and the constant threat of rain, we ventured out last night to the Times Square Church and even ventured into Times Square a little(no pictures were taken of that, they'll come another time). The drama of The Cross and The Switchblade was amazing and very well done. For those of you who are not familiar with the story, it's about David Wilkerson, the founder of Times Square Church. He was a Pennsylvanian whom God had called to minister to the gangs, homeless kids and drug addicts on the streets of NYC and how he was able to convert and help many gang members and drug addicts. It's a very powerful story and would reccomend it to anyone. I think what made it even more cool was that it was acted by native New York teens and young adults who all did extremely well in playing their parts. I didn't take any pictures of the performance, because I was too busy watching it. However, I did get some of the inside of the church, which looks like it was originally an old, old theatre. It looked stunning. The pictures don't do it justicce.

1 comment:

  1. It seems I'm gonna go all stalker-ish and comment on all your posts. This looks so cool. I didn't realize David Wilkerson started the Times Square church..I read the book and watched the movie since I've been here. The book was riveting, but the movie was just okay. This would be so cool to see.
