Monday, April 29, 2013

Photos From Last Week

More photos from last week. Enjoy!
Times Square in the daytime

 A display from the American Girl Place
 The Apple store
A Painter in Central Park

self-explanatory. :)

A compass/sundial thing in front of the Hall of Science

A display from a store that had lots of vintage(not nessesarily antique) things....the price tags were

For example: See the wooden bowl in the very front? I don't know what kind of wood it was, but it felt pretty light. The design was something that could've been made quite easily. There was nothing extra-ordinary about it. Wanna guess how much it cost? I'll post a picture tomorrow of the price tag. :)


A fountain in Central Park

Jay getting a cartoon drawn of himself in Central Park

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Long Time No Post

So...looks like I haven't posted in a whole wasn't that there wasn't time...there just wasn't much to talk about. Timmy spent the whole week with his grandparents in PA so in the mornings I was able to sleep a little later and sit in on some classes(on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday) as well. In the afternoons I just did what I usually as needed. Thursday morning the head cook(Ruby) and one of the assitant cooks(Linda) wanted to go grocery shopping so I made lunch and baked cookies all morning(which was really easy to do because it was Poverty Day and all they were allowed to eat was rice...for lunch we could mix onions, garlic, green peppers, and some celery into it but that was it). On Friday Jay Z and Elycia Yoder flew in midmorning. We spent that afternoon on Times Square and walked on 5th Ave. for awhile as well. Saturday, we slept in then went to the New York Hall of Science and walked south on 5th Ave down to Washington Square where we took a long and much needed rest and were even able to watch some street performers. That night we rode the Staten Island Ferry to Staten Island and back(which was a fail both Sat. night and Sun night cause the only ferry they were running was one without a deck and so you couldn't see the amazing skyline like usual). Sunday we went to Life in Christ for church then went to Henry and Deb Blanks for lunch. In the afternoon we walked through Central Park for awhile and then went to Staten Island again(which, as was previously stated, was another fail). And now I'm sitting on a soft couch relishing the feeling of having my feet propped up.
These are just a few of the pictures...I'll post more later.
 An AMAZING chicken gyro from a Halal stand
On poverty day, instead of outreach the trainees had an activity called poverty simulation. They were all divided into "families" of four or so and for a living had to make paper bags with paper and a flour-water glue. They would sell them to the shop keepers and try to make enough to pay that week's rent. If they couldn't make the payment to the Slum Landlord, they would be sent to Mr. Deep-in-debt and would borrow money from him in hopes that they could pay both him and the slum lord by the next week. If they couldn't make the payment, then they would have to go live under the bridge which is next to impossible to get out of. The whole setup was made to fit a real slum as much as possible. Though everyone had fun, it was humbling to think how many people actually live like this. How many people can't just clean up the mess an hour later and walk away like we did.

 Wall of m &m's in Times Square

Wall of legos in the lego store at the Rockefellar Center

Sunday, April 21, 2013

St. Patricks Cathedral

Yesterday afternoon one of the other nannies and I went and visited St. Patricks Cathedral(which was under renovations and will be for the next several years). Here are the pictures from our little excursion.

 Inside the subway station
 Coming out of the subway station into Manhattan

 The picture above is from another smaller cathedral that we stopped at on the way

 This picture is for my Dad cause he always thinks it's funny how in Pollyanna the Preacher has to walk way up the stairs to preach. This isn't quite as high up, but still. :)

 A whole store full of Lindt chocolate ;)

Crystal standing in front of the doors of another cathedral we walked past.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Week 2 {coming to an end}

I had a really good day yesterday. :) In the morning, Timmy cried for maybe 5 minutes when his parents left(the shortest time yet). Then we played playdough together until Alana(one of the other nannies) brought her two little kids to go to the park with us. The weather was originally supposed to be cold and rainy but the sun came out and got warm enough for us to take our jackets off so that was nice. We played there most of the morning then headed back to the apartment for lunch. That afternoon, I did some shopping for crafts for Kid's Club that evening. The Life in Christ church puts on a Kid's club every couple of weeks so we all helped with it that night. Some helped with games, some with the crafts, and some with the skit for their Bible story. After Kid's club, all the younger singles(there's 9 of us) went out to eat at a really nice(and REALLY expensive!! the prices were way higher than at home) Applebees, which was lots of fun. This morning I've just relaxed and ran some errands and this afternoon and evening I plan to do some sightseeing with some of the others. :)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Playgrounds are a Godsend

Went and played in the park for a little this morning...think maybe we should start our days this way more often--it put him in a good mood the rest of the morning! :)
This is his mouth-full-of-banana look